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Pregnancy for most women is a first time experience. The pregnancy experience of each woman is drastically different from one another. There are some common symptoms or issues which might appear similar but the reasons may be entirely different. For instance, many women experience an increased vaginal discharge in this period. Though this condition is deemed to be normal, yet it is advised to get an advice from the doctor. As already mentioned, the causes can be entirely different and these are abnormal hormonal activity, irritation in the vaginal area, cervical erosion and infection. Visit Thibodaux Gynecology and Obstetrics to have high quality gynecological and obstetrical health care for you.

Let us look at each of them in details.

Hormonal activity: An increase in hormonal activity is quite expected during the pregnancy period. The doctor can properly advise the women experiencing abnormal discharge due to over-active hormones by recommending cautionary measures. Some clothes like panty liners are an effective remedy to put a check to this problem.

Infection: The vaginal discharge as mentioned in the above case does not have a foul smell. However, when the discharge is triggered by an infection it may smell bad. Over-active bacteria generally lead to developing such infections. They can be effectively taken care of by using proper medications.

Irritation in the vaginal area: This aspect can be taken care of very easily. Usually, such irritations are triggered due to the lifestyle habits. Thus, the cause of irritation can be due to the use of vaginal deodorants, fabric softeners, wearing tight clothes, exercise pants, keeping on wet clothes for a long time, and excessive sweating. By introducing suitable changes in the habits these problems can be minimized.

Cervical erosion: Again this condition is triggered by the over-productive hormones; eventually it leads to alter a delicate membrane located in the cervix which is responsible for mucus production. Thus, it leads to excessive vaginal discharge and often a white mucous discharge is visible.

Apart from these common factors, there can be other reasons leading to vaginal discharge as well. In some cases, the reasons may soon become serious, or this may be the signs of some other serious disorders. In any case, whenever vaginal discharge is visible, couples should waste no time and consult their physician. This may seem to be a minor problem, but nothing should be taken for granted when pregnancy is concerned. Proper treatment and remedies should be able to take care of this issue easily.